Thursday, April 23, 2015

How to cure a cold in China

So I found myself feeling a bit sick last night. There's been a cold bug going around and I have been thoroughly bitten. So, what does a young man living in China do when he thinks he's getting sick? It's simple, really; you gather together all the drugs you can from around the world and take as many as humanly possible.

 Last night, I took a yellow pill from Poland about the size of fist.

 "Be careful," my friend warned me, "you might get a little dizzy when you take it."

Duly noted. I followed that up this morning with two more of those pills. Unfortunately, I misread that same friends text message. This is what I read:

"Better take two of my pills AND mix it with other medicine."

Here is what she actually said:

"Better to take two of my pills THAN mix it with other medicine."

So I of course took two more Tylenol Cold and Flu pills left over from when I took my friend to the hospital here in Wuhan. So far I am feeling a bit light headed, but alive. The back of the box has a word that looks a lot like pseudoephedrine, so I'm going to assume that's what it is. In addition, I took some vitamin pills that my Irish friend got from a Korean classmate.

"These are vitamin C pills," she said, "At least that's what I think they are. I'm not sure what is in them, but she said something about vitamins when she gave them to me."

They tasted slightly like citrus, so the theory seems to hold weight. If these don't work, I can always get the mother of the girl I tutor to give me some traditional Chines medicine. If my experience is anything to go by, it will look like dried roots and taste like dirt and licorice. Can't wait.